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Journal Publications


Published Natural History Notes

Yagi, A.R., C. Abney, and K. Yagi. 2018. The Young and the Restless: Postpartum Breeding and Early Onset Sexual Maturity in an Isolated Northern Population of Massasauga Rattlesnake. The Canadian Herpetologist 8(1):24-26.


Yagi, K.T. 2014. Toad Tales from Long Point, Ontario Part 1. The Canadian Herpetologist 4(2): 11-12.

Published Dissertations

Yagi, K.T. 2017. Density-dependence and dispersal mechanisms in a pond breeding amphibian. PhD Thesis. McGill University.

Yagi, K.T. 2010. The effects of flooding on the spatial ecology and thermoregulation on Spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) in a southern Ontario population. MSc Thesis. Laurentian University.

Most Recent
Technical Reports (not published)

8Trees Inc. 2020. Environmental Impact Study for Black Creek Center, Town of Fort Erie, Ontario. Prepared for the Region of Niagara. 64pp.

8Trees Inc. 2020. Scoped Environmental Impact Study for 368 Aqueduct St. and 155 Gadsby Ave, City of Welland, Ontario. Prepared for the Region of Niagara. 184pp.

8Trees Inc. 2020. Environmental Impact Study for 495 Bernard Ave, Town of Fort Erie, Ontario. Prepared for the Region of Niagara, 75pp.

Yagi, A.R., K.T. Yagi, et al. 2020. Building on Success: Investigating the presence of Gray Ratsnake and Eastern Foxsnake using Habitat Suitability Modelling, and occurrence information to initiate standardized monitoring in priority Niagara-Hamilton areas. Final report for 2019-20, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, 29pp.

Yagi, A.R., K.T. Yagi, C. Blott, T. Bukovics, and B. Breton. 2020. Managing an Ecological trap in a Partially Mined Peatland on the Resident Reptile Community which includes Five Species at Risk; Massasauga; Eastern Ribbon; Spotted turtle; Snapping turtle and Blanding’s turtle. Final Report for 2019-20. Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, 79pp.

Yagi, A.R., K.T. Yagi, C. Blott, and T. Bukovics. 2019. Risk Assessment Report on Human Impacts in the Wainfleet Bog Wetland Complex: Studies of terrestrial and aquatic wintering habitat for SAR Reptiles. Unpublished report for Environment Canada and Climate Change, 29pp.

Yagi, A.R., K.T. Yagi, C. Blott, T. Bukovics, and C. Abney. 2019. Managing an Ecological trap in a Partially Mined Peatland on the Resident Reptile Community which includes Five Species at Risk; Massasauga; Eastern Ribbon; Spotted turtle; Snapping turtle and Blanding’s turtle. Final Report for 2018-19. Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, 63pp.

Yagi, A.R., K.T. Yagi, et al. 2018. Summary Report on the Assessment of Species at Risk Herpetofaunal Habitat Use and Mitigation Activities to Address Human Impacts in the Wainfleet Bog Wetland Complex. Final Report for 2017-18, Environmental Canada and Climate Change: Canadian Wildlife Service, 44pp.

Yagi, A.R., K.T. Yagi, T. Bukovics, C. Abney, and C. Blott. 2018. Managing an Ecological trap in a Partially Mined Peatland on the Resident Reptile Community which includes Five Species at Risk; Massasauga; Eastern Ribbon; Spotted turtle; Snapping turtle and Blanding’s turtle. Final Report for 2017-18. Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, 42pp.

Yagi A.R., and K.T. Yagi. 2018. Habitat Use by Two Populations of Species at Risk, Massasauga and Spotted Turtles in a partially mined peatland ecosystem (1998 to 2016). Environment Canada and Climate Change: Habitat Stewardship Fund, 24pp.

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